Private browsing doesn’t make you anonymous, your employer and internet provider service still keeps track of pages which you visit. And with “Tracking Protection' feature, it blocks the entire tracker of websites that can keep your important information, so with enabling this feature, no worry of being tracked.


If you want to exit private browsing, close the window of Private Window.

Enable In-Private Browsing in Internet Explorer (InPrivate mode)

How to disable incognito mode in chrome browser

Internet Explorer is still used by some users so I am also discussing the steps to enable In-Private Browsing in Internet Explorer. Scroll your page to find the steps

Open your Internet Explorer Browser. And click on Gear icon which is available in top right side of browser, click on it and select the “Safety' and then In-Private Browsing.

A new window will appear, on Address bar a blue mark will appear that shows the private mode. Whatever you search or browse, it will not go into your history. And no track will be recorded of your activities over Internet. All your extensions will be disabled in Private mode.

So if you want to disable it, close the window, the Safe mode will closed.

For other users who uses our System, it is important to keep their activities record. For this the In-Private Browsing must be disabled. See below that how you can disable it for any browser.

Disable In-Private Browsing in Google Chrome/Internet Explorer/Firefox

Through Group Policy (For Internet Explorer)

The Internet Explorer’s In-Private browsing can be disabled by doing simple and easy changing in Group Policy Editor. Walk with the below steps to do it disable in your IE.

For this type “gpedit.msc' in Run dialog and you’ll have the window of Group Policy Editor. Now go to following Registry

“Computer Configuration/ Administrative Templates/Windows Components/Internet Explorer/privacy'

In right hand window, you’ll see the first result “Turn Off In-Private Filtering'. Double click on it and click on “Enable', to enable this feature.

Using Third Party Tool to disable Private mode

IncognitoGone is small tool that helps you to block or disable the In-Private Mode for all browsers. And all activities of any user will be recorded. And the history of each page the user visit will be available in History. Downloads will be also tracked through disabling the In-Private Browsing

This is very light resources on your system and is compatible with Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.

Find what you want to do with your browsing for each browser whether to be tracked or not to be tracked. It is good for every user not to play with settings. Keep them as they are. Private Browsing also helps in troubleshooting of your system but in case of need, you can disable the In-Private Browsing for any browser by applying above steps.

Must Read Articles:

We have seen how to start Private Browsing and how it enables you to surf the web without leaving a trail. As already mentioned, Private Browsing is referred to as InPrivate Browsing in Internet Explorer,Icognito Mode in Chrome and Private Browsing in Firefox. While there is no need to disable private browsing and this is also not recommended, some folks may want to disable private browsing in their browsers. One reason could be that you want to keep a watch on what others on your computer are browsing.

Disable Private Browsing

In this post, we will us see how to disable private browsing in Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox.

Disable InPrivate Browsing in Internet Explorer

If your version of Windows has Group Policy Editor, type gpedit in Run box and hit Enter to open it. Navigate to the following setting:
Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Internet Explorer > Privacy.
In RHS pane, double-click Turn off InPrivate Browsing, and select Enabled. Click Apply/OK.
This policy setting allows you to turn off the InPrivate Browsing feature. InPrivate Browsing prevents Internet Explorer from storing data about a user’s browsing session. This includes cookies, temporary Internet files, history, and other data. If you enable this policy setting, InPrivate Browsing is turned off. If you disable this policy setting, InPrivate Browsing is available for use. If you do not configure this policy setting, InPrivate Browsing can be turned on or off through the registry.
Alternatively, you could type regedit in Run box and hit Enter to open the Registry Editor. Navigate to the following key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftInternet ExplorerPrivacy
Create a new DWORD value and name it EnableInPrivateBrowsing. Set it to 0.
To re-enable InPrivate Browsing, change its value to 1 or delete the EnableInPrivateBrowsing key.

Disable Private Browsing in Firefox

Disable Private Browsing Plus is a free add-on for Firefox that lets you disable private Browsing in Firefox easily and quickly. It removes the New Private Window option from the menu. It will also disable the Ctrl+Shift+P keyboard shortcut and deletion of browsing history.
To disable this plugin, you will have to start Firefox in Safe Mode, by holding down the Shift key and clicking on the Firefox icon, and then go on to disable and uninstall it. To do this, click on Menu > Add-Ons to open the Add-ons Manager. On the left side, you will see Add-ons & Extensions section. Here you will be able to disable plugins.

Disable Icognito Mode or Private Browsing in Chrome

Incognito Gone is a small free tool that lets you disable private browsing or Icognito Mode in Google Chrome browser.
This tool lets you disable private browsing in Chrome as well as Internet Explorer and Firefox, as well.
Edge user? This post will show you how to Disable InPrivate browsing mode in Edge.
As I said earlier, unless you have specific reasons for wanting to disable private browsing, it might be a good idea to let things be as they are.
TIP: Download this tool to quickly find & fix Windows errors automatically
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